Member-only story
The Fight For The World’s Water
In a thirsty world, the globe’s powers are silently fighting for our most precious resource.
A Thirsty, Crowded Planet
Water has always defined the story of human civilisations. When you look at the map, it’s no coincidence that mankind’s major cities are located near rivers or other water sources.
The distinguished cultures of ancient Egypt, Babylon, or the Indus Valley all exceeded because of access to the bountiful rivers of the Nile, Tigris and Euphratus and Sarasvati.
And, just as water defined the success of an empire, the loss of it would swiftly lead to collapse. Drought and a loss of water has been identified by historians to have caused the fall of complex societies everywhere from China to the Central American isthmus.
And the modern world is no exception. While we may consider ourselves more civilised than these ancient peoples, we are imbued with the same animal desire to survive, and this brings with it a willingness to do battle over dwindling and precious resources.
This has only intensified in the modern world. Earth today is hotter, more populous and industrial than it has ever been, and as a result water is now more valuable than at any point throughout history.